Introducing Arterial Insights a product by DKS Associates and Moonshadow Mobile: an online tool to analyze the performance of traffic corridors and signalized intersections, using connected vehicle data from tens of millions of vehicles.  Arterial Insights is available in the US, Canada and Europe.

Please sign up here for the Corridor of the Month. You will receive access to a first hand demonstration of how Arterial Insights can assist you with corridor analysis. Generate travel times, speeds and delays for any segment in the corridor. Check arrivals on green and red for any intersection for any time period of any given day.

Arterial Insights is provided as a Platform as a Service(PaaS); there is no field equipment to install, no data to download, no servers to set up. All you need is a web browser.

For CA, CO, ID, OR, TX or WA email DKS Associates or call 503.972.1246. For all other states, Canada and Europe email Moonshadow Mobile or call 541.343.42181.