DKS Associates and Moonshadow Mobile are introducing Arterial Insights: an online tool to measure the performance of traffic corridors and signalized intersections using connected vehicle (CV) data from tens of millions of vehicles.

Fig. 1. Segment Travel Times per Hour in Arterial Insights
It can be time consuming and expensive to measure the efficiency of a signal timing plan for a corridor for example. Up to now travel times, speeds and delays were measured by installing equipment at intersections, or by performing ‘floating car runs’. Maintaining yet another group of devices in the field can be challenging and expensive whereas floating car runs generate data for just a few days. Arterial Insights overcomes these challenges by using data collected directly from vehicles representing millions of trips. With Arterial Insights traffic engineers have access to detailed corridor performance metrics from their web browser without having to install a single device or conduct a single survey.

Fig. 2. Arrivals on Green in Arterial Insights
Tens of millions of vehicles are now connected to the Internet and send an update with their location and speed into the cloud every few seconds. Moonshadow assimilates this data from millions of trips and derives travel time, speed and delay information for individual, uni-directional road segments for any time period of any given day. Arterial Insights presents traffic signal performance measures such as Arrivals on Green (AoG – see Figure 1) and Arrivals on Red (AoR) as well as split failures for signalized intersections. These are complemented by analyses of network performance measures such as travel times and speeds (see Figure 2). The charts and graphs generated by Arterial Insights along with the supporting data can be easily exported for off-line analysis (e.g., using spreadsheets) with just a single click. Arterial Insights is ideal for doing before and after comparisons to evaluate signal timing plan changes or analyze corridor performance impacts as a result of new construction.

Fig. 3. Trajectory Travel Times in Arterial Insights
Arterial Insights is the first corridor performance tool that uses data from multiple CV sources. This gives Moonshadow and DKS access to data from almost 20 million vehicles. By working with data from different vehicle manufacturers and other sources, the sample size is increased and the reliability of the performance metrics is improved as any bias in the data is reduced. Arterial Insights uses Moonshadow’s patented DB4IoT technology to speed up assimilated data processing by 100 times. As a result, Arterial Insights is the first solution based upon CV data to offer signal and network performance metrics in near-real-time. Traffic engineers and technicians can instantly check corridor and intersection performance after making changes and assess them through comparison with baseline conditions. Agency data such as data from floating car runs, fleet or CAD/AVL systems can be added to the OEM data in Arterial Insights.
Arterial Insights is competitively priced; pricing starts at just $7,500 which means it can be used for small networks and expanded to hundreds of intersections.
Please contact Moonshadow or DKS to schedule a demo:

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About DKS Associates & Moonshadow Mobile
Arterial Insights is a joint development of DKS Associates and Moonshadow Mobile where Moonshadow provides the connected vehicle data management and analytics technology and DKS the traffic engineering expertise to create a solution that is tailored to the exact needs of signal timing professionals and traffic engineers. DKS Associates is a transportation engineering firm headquartered in Portland, Oregon with offices throughout the West Coast and in Texas. Moonshadow Mobile, based in Eugene, Oregon, is the developer of DB4IoT, the Database for the Internet of Things. DB4IoT was developed specifically for processing and analyzing data from connected vehicles and location based services mobile apps.